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Deinonychus (Terrible claw) is a medium-sized carnivorous dinosaur. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2.


Deinonychus is a member of the dromaeosaurid family of theropod dinosaurs, a group of bird-like dinosaurs that lived during the Cretaceous Period. Deinonychus reached a length of 3.4m (11ft) and weighed up to 73kg (161lbs). It was named after the large sickle-shaped claw on the second toe of each foot, a trait found in all members of its family. Although no evidence exists, it is highly likely that Deinonychus, like all other dromaeosaurs, was covered in feathers.

Deinonychus lived between 115 and 108 million years ago, with fossils primarily found in the western United States. As a carnivore, it would have hunted small mammals and reptiles, including other dinosaurs. Deinonychus fossils have often been found in association with the much larger herbivorous dinosaur Tenontosaurus, which led many scientists to suggest that it lived and hunted in packs to take down larger animals. Conversely, other scientists have proposed that Deinonychus simply scavenged on the larger dinosaur, or at the fossils were bought together during a flood. Deinonychus is one of the dinosaurs responsible for starting the so-called "Dinosaur Renaissance", as its sleak built and interpretation as an active, agile predator changed how many people had perceived dinosaurs by that point.

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

Deinonychus is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2 and was added as part of the Extinct Animals expansion pack. In Campaign and Challenge mode, it is available for adoption when a zoo reaches a rating of 2.5 stars.

Deinonychus is a Tropical Rainforest animal and, like all extinct tropical rainforest animals, it requires a misty spring in its exhibit to be fully comfortable. It can live in large packs and individuals will play-fight each other. Deinonychus can use a large variety of enrichment and will rampage if stressed.



  • Unlike fellow dromaeosaurs Utahraptor and Velociraptor, Deinonychus is not portrayed with feathers.
  • Deinonychus is the smallest dinosaur capable of rampaging.
Zoo Tycoon 2 animals
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