Zoo Tycoon Wiki

The Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) is a large extinct African bird. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2.


The dodo is a flightless member of the pigeon family formally endemic to Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Madagascar. Reaching heights of 1m (3.3ft) tall and weighing up to 17.5kg (39lbs), it is larger than any modern pigeon species. Males were larger than females and had larger beaks, which they may have used in intra-species conflict. Its small wings and thick, stout legs are both adaptations for a terrestrial environment.

Although the dodo is one of the most famous extinct animals, little is known about its behavior. Believed to have become flightless due to the lack of predators on Mauritius at the time, it probably fed mainly on fruit and is believed to have lived primarily in wooded coastal regions. Reports suggest that it laid a single egg and used gizzard stones to help digest food. Although often believed to have been hunted to extinction by Colonials when they first arrived in the early 16th century, the reportedly unpleasant quality of dodo meat makes this unlikely. Instead, the most likely cause of extinction was the arrival of invasive species such as dogs, rats and pigs, which would have hunted the dodos and their eggs or competed with them for food. The last confirmed sighting of a dodo was in 1662 and today it has become an icon for extinction.

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

The dodo is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2 and was added as part of the Extinct Animals expansion pack. It is one of the first animals available in Campaign and Challenge mode, as it has a 0.5 star rating.


The dodo is a Tropical Rainforest animal. As an extinct animal, it requires a Misty Spring in its habitat to be fully comfortable.


The dodo primarily eats bananas and berries.


The dodo can play with a variety of balls. It also has its own unique enrichment, the Dodo Rock, which is intended to replicate gastroliths that would have helped with the digestion of fruit.


Dodos breed very rapidly. Five to seven days after mating, a female dodo will produce one or two eggs, which hatch within about 17 days. The young will mature at seventy to eighty days in-game time, and usually live about thirteen months.



  • The dodo is featured on Extinct Animals boxart, and was later shifted to the backside for Ultimate Collection's box.
    • In an early concept version of the boxart, the dodo used to be yellow instead of blue.
  • The origin of its name in Zoopedia is wrong, the correct term is "doudo" wich is archaic portuguese for "silly" or "crazy".
  • There was a popular rumor that by renaming a Zoo Tycoon exhibit to "Doflopnok," the dodo would be available for adoption; and that by renaming a dodo "Mr. Dodo," the dodo would turn white. However, both are false.
  • Normal dodos have a 6% chance of giving birth to a super baby. However, the percentages for birth possibilities only adds up to 86%. Both of these traits are shared with the Diprotodon.
  • Dodos are one of 2 medium prey animals where young occupy the same size group as adults, with the other being the Dwarf Sicilian Elephant.
Zoo Tycoon 2 animals
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