Zoo Tycoon Wiki

Gigantopithecus (Giant ape) is a large extinct primate from Asia. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2.


Gigantopithecus is a large ape closely related to the modern Orangutan that lived during the Pleistocene in southern China. Known from a collection of teeth and four lower jawbones, little is known about the animal, but it is believed to represent the largest ape ever known. Males are believed to have weighed up to 300kg (660lbs), with females being slightly smaller. Scientists still debate on whether Gigantopithecus walked on all fours like modern apes, or was mainly bipedal like humans.

The teeth of Gigantopithecus suggest that it was a generalist herbivore and was adapted for grinding through tough fibrous plants, although it is known to have eaten figs. It lived primarily in tropical forests and is believed to have gone extinct due to climate change limiting its habitat. It is speculated that Gigantopithecus may represent the identity of large cryptids such as the Yeti.

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

Gigantopithecus is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2 and was added as part of the Extinct Animals expansion pack. In Campaign and Challenge Mode, it is available for adoption once a zoo has a rating of 4.5 stars.

Gigantopithecus is a Tropical Rainforest animal. It has similar requirements to other apes such as the Chimpanzee, Orangutan and Mountain Gorilla, and will co-exist with them. Like all extinct tropical rainforest animals, it requires a misty spring in its exhibit in order to be comfortable.


  • Gigantopithecus males in-game are depicted with grey hair on their backs, similar to that of a silverback gorilla.


Zoo Tycoon 2 animals
Zoo Tycoon 2 Grizzly BearPolar BearAmerican BeaverDromedary CamelCheetahChimpanzeeNile CrocodileAfrican ElephantGreater FlamingoThomson's GazelleGemsbokReticulated GiraffeMountain GorillaHippopotamusIbexJaguarRed KangarooRing-Tailed LemurSnow LeopardLionMooseOkapiOstrichGiant PandaRed PandaCommon PeafowlEmperor PenguinBlack RhinocerosBengal TigerCommon Zebra
Downloadable Content AddaxAsiatic Black BearAsian ElephantBlack LeopardMusk Ox
Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species Giant Sable AntelopeSpectacled BearAmerican BisonCaribouFennec FoxCrested GibbonPrzewalski's Wild HorseKoalaKomodo DragonSpanish LynxMarkhorOrangutanScimitar-Horned OryxFlorida PantherJavan RhinocerosBaird's TapirGalapagos Giant TortoiseAfrican Wild DogGray WolfWolverine
Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure AardvarkBarbary ApeSecretary BirdBongoAfrican BuffaloCaracalGeladaGerenukMasai GiraffePygmy HippopotamusStriped HyenaMandrillMeerkatNile MonitorRatelWhite RhinocerosAfrican Spurred TortoiseWarthogWildebeestEthiopian Wolf
Zoo Tycoon 2: Dino Danger Pack CarnotaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus rex
Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania BelugaBottlenose DolphinWest Indian ManateeBlue MarlinNarwhalSea OtterRockhopper PenguinManta RayCalifornia Sea LionBlacktip Reef SharkGoblin SharkScalloped HammerheadWhale SharkWhite SharkGreen Sea TurtleLeatherback Sea TurtlePacific WalrusFalse Killer WhaleOrcaShort-Finned Pilot Whale
Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals AnkylosaurusAurochsShort-Faced BearElephant BirdBluebuckGiant CamelSaber-Toothed CatBush-Antlered DeerDeinonychusDeinosuchusDimetrodonDiprotodonDodoDoedicurusDwarf Sicilian ElephantGigantopithecusKentrosaurusCave LionAmerican MastodonKiller PenguinProtarchaeopteryxQuaggaWoolly RhinocerosSivatheriumGiant Ground SlothStegosaurusStokesosaurusThylacineUtahraptorVelociraptorWarrahGiant Warthog