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Tyrannosaurus rex (Tyrant lizard king) or T. rex, is a large carnivorous dinosaur from North America. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon 2.


Perhaps the most famous dinosaur of all time, Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest theropods, a group of largely carnivorous dinosaurs. One of the largest specimens, nicknamed "Sue", was 12.8m (42ft) long and may have weighed up to 14 tonnes. Tyrannosaurus rex and other close relatives featured extremely powerful jaws capable of crushing bone and extremely acute senses of sight and smell, making them effective predators. Despite its large size, Tyrannosaurus rex is more closely related to smaller theropods like Velociraptor than to comparable-sized dinosaurs like Allosaurus.

Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Cretaceous period across what is now western North America. It would have hunted a wide variety of other dinosaurs, including hadrosaurs, as evidenced by bones showing healed wounds from a tyrannosaur attack. Its long and powerful back legs suggest it was a fast runner across short distances, and its tiny arms were surprisingly powerful for their size. Evidence suggests that Tyrannosaurus rex may have hunted in packs. It was one of the last known non-avian dinosaurs to exist, living 66 million years ago until being wiped out by the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event.

Zoo Tycoon

Tyrannosaurus rex is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and was made available as part of the Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs expansion pack. It must be researched in order to be adopted. Additional research can be gained in order to make them more comfortable in their enclosure. Each individual costs $6,500.

Tyrannosaurus rex is a Grassland animal, but also requires gray stone and fresh water in its exhibit. Its favorite foliage is the Monkey Puzzle tree, but also likes the Broadleaf Bush. Like all large theropods, it uses the Dinosaur Cave shelter. Like all large theropods, Tyrannosaurus rex will break out of any non-electrified fence. Notably, it is the first animal in the Zoo Tycoon series capable of killing guests.

Button animal facts Animal Facts
The 'Tyrant lizard king' or Tyrannosaurus Rex really lives up to its name. It is one of the largest and fiercest of the carnivorous dinosaurs. In the wild, Tyrannosaurus Rex hunts herds of herbivorous dinosaurs through humid, semi-tropical forests.

The adult Tyrannosaurus Rex is 40 feet long and 15 feet high, and its prey is often many times larger. It can use its massive jaw and six inch replaceable teeth to bring down even the plated stegosaurus. Although its short arms (roughly three feet in length) are not particularly useful in a battle, the Tyrannosaurus Rex can bring down its prey with one huge bite. It allows its prey to weaken or bleed to death before consuming it in giant 500 pound mouthfulls.

In addition to hunting the weak members of dinosaur herds, Tyrannosaurus Rex has also been known to scavenge meals. A combination of sharp eyesight and a strong sense of smell allows these massive carnivores to locate the remnants of other's kills. Tyrannosaurus Rex makes an especially good scavenger since no other dinosaur is likely to challege its right to share the bounty of a fresh kill.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is built for long distance travel, and can range over a large area in search of food. Its massive legs end in two-toed feet, and its stiff tail is used for balance. No one knows how fast a Tyrannosaurs Rex can run when it is truly in a hurry, but many guess that these creatures can travel upwards of 50mph. They seldom maintain those speeds for long, as their massive size and weight means that a fall could be fatal.

Unlike the herbivores they make their meals of, Tyrannosaurus Rex do not travel in herds. In fact, adults will often battle each other, sometimes to the death. Many Tyrannosaurus Rex carry the scars and wounds from these battles for their entire lives.

In captivity, a hungry Tyrannosaurus Rex often will eat domestic herd animals such goats and sheep if it is unable to obtain its normal diet of stegosaurus meat. But this fearsome animal will kill and consume almost any creature that is unfortunate enough to wander into its habitat. It may even even consume the occasional guest who gets a little too close.

Zookeepers, beware.

Zoo Tycoon 2

Tyrannosaurus rex is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2 and was added as part of the Dino Danger Pack. In Campaign and Challenge Mode, it is available for adoption when a zoo reaches a rating of 5 stars. Each individual costs $80,000.

Tyrannosaurus rex is a Tropical Rainforest animal, although it will tolerate Grassland. Like the other dinosaurs introduced in the pack, it will use the Dinosaur Prey Dummy to enrich itself and will make a nest to lay its eggs in.

Tyrannosaurus rex is also available in the Extinct Animals expansion pack and, if the Dino Danger Pack has already been installed, it is updated to match the other dinosaurs. Changes include completely new models and textures; for example, adults are a more faded shade of green. If stressed, they will rampage.

Zoo Tycoon Website favicon zootycoon.com Description
The Tyrannosaurus had an immense head, rows of terrifying, pointed teeth, and a bone-crushing bite. In fact, it was one of the biggest land-based carnivores that ever lived, and had an appetite to match: Its stomach could hold more than half a metric ton of meat. Need proof that Tyrannosaurus rex preyed upon plant-eating dinosaurs? The frill of a Triceratops was found in the fossilized dung of a Tyrannosaurus. But questions still remain: Scientists still don’t know how fast this giant beast moved, or whether it was primarily a scavenger or a predator.
Button zoopedia transparent Zoopedia Description
Tyrannosaurus is the name given to a genus of large, two-legged, carnivorous dinosaurs that lived around 65 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period. The name Tyrannosaurus derives from the Greek words "tyrannos" (tyrant) and "sauros" (lizard). The Tyrannosaurus is easily recognized because of its large size, upright gait, small two-fingered forelimbs, and jagged teeth. He is one of the greatest carnivores of all time.

Scientists know more about the tyrannosaurus than any other carnivorous dinosaur. Dozens of skeletons of this giant dinosaur of the order Saurischia (lizard-faced dinosaurs) have been found in Mongolia and western United States and Canada. A particularly large and complete skeleton is on display at the Field Museum in Chicago. It is named "Sue". Another specimen of a Tyrannosaurus was found in Montana. It was so well preserved that even blood vessels and other soft tissues in the femur were preserved. The tyrannosaurus was among the largest land predators, surpassed only by Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus. It reached a length of 12.5 m, a height of 5 m and a weight of more than 5 t. A tyrannosaur's skull was large and flexible, and its brain was about the size of modern-day reptiles. Of all carnivorous dinosaurs, it probably had the strongest teeth—so strong that it could even crush bones. There were wart-like outgrowths and scars on the top of the snout. These dinosaurs had a wide field of vision, but could also focus their eyes straight ahead. The tyrannosaurus had short arms with only a few nerves running through them. The small number of nerve tracts indicates that that his arm movements must have been awkward and clumsy. The barrel-shaped thorax of these dinosaurs suggests very large lungs. The abdomen and internal organs were protected by a latticework of bones. The legs were long and slender. The tyrannosaurus probably preferred open terrain, such as wide animal-trodden trails and light forests, where it could maneuver its massive body more easily and had an unobstructed field of vision. Scientists suspect that the tyrannosaurus was a fast runner, reaching speeds of up to 40 km/h when hunting. He could also position himself perfectly in ambush, perching on the powerful extension of his pelvis with his chin on the ground and his high-set eyes peering for prey. Scientists debate whether the tyrannosaurus was warm-blooded like modern-day mammals. Research suggests that these animals had a constant body temperature and therefore their metabolism must have been higher than that of other reptiles. Some scientists even suggest that the tyrannosaurus had feathers that let it not fly, but did so could hold his body heat. If the tyrannosaurus did indeed have a higher body temperature, its food requirements were also greater than other reptiles. Its stomach could hold over half a ton of meat. Usually this amount is enough for a few weeks. Scientists found a 2 liter lump of fossilized droppings from which the tyrannosaurus' diet could be identified. It contained the partially digested bone fragments of young herbivorous dinosaurs. The pelvis of a triceratops was also found, showing deep bite marks from tyrannosaurus teeth. Like most prey-hunting carnivores, Tyrannosaurus probably fed on the carrion of other dinosaurs that died of starvation or floods. Bite marks on various tyrannosaur skulls show

Fun Facts

  • Scientists know more about Tyrannosaurus than other predatory dinosaur.
  • Tyrannosaurus is a carnivore (meat eater) that often preys upon herbivores, such as Triceratops or Styracosaurus.
  • The frill of a Triceratops was founded in the fossilized ding of a Tyrannosaurus.
  • Tyrannosaurus had a lattice of bone to protect it’s abdomen from the sharp horns of retaliating herbivores.
  • The stomach of the Tyrannosaurus held more than half a metric ton of meat.
  • Scientists recently discovered evidence indicating that Tyrannosaurus young may have been covered in downy feathers for warmth.


Zoo Tycoon

Zoo Tycoon 2


  • The Tyrannosaurus rex roar in the first game uses stock sound effects, which are used in other video games such as Dino Crisis and Carnivores.
  • The Extinct Animals render uses the young texture on the female Tyrannosaurus rex model, as opposed to the proper, dark texture. This quirk is also noticeable on the wildebeest.
  • The Tyrannosaurus rex is tied with the Stokesosaurus for largest initial space needed in Zoo Tycoon 2, at 600 units.
Zoo Tycoon animals
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Zoo Tycoon 2 animals
Zoo Tycoon 2 Grizzly BearPolar BearAmerican BeaverDromedary CamelCheetahChimpanzeeNile CrocodileAfrican ElephantGreater FlamingoThomson's GazelleGemsbokReticulated GiraffeMountain GorillaHippopotamusIbexJaguarRed KangarooRing-Tailed LemurSnow LeopardLionMooseOkapiOstrichGiant PandaRed PandaCommon PeafowlEmperor PenguinBlack RhinocerosBengal TigerCommon Zebra
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Zoo Tycoon 2: Dino Danger Pack CarnotaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus rex
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