Zoo Tycoon Wiki

Utahraptor (Utah's Hunter) is a mid-sized carnivorous dinosaur from North America. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2.


At 7m (23ft) in length and weighing almost 500kg (1100lb), Utahraptor is the largest member of the Dromaeosaurid family, a group of bird-like dinosaurs identifiable by the large sickle-shaped claw on the second toe of each foot. Like all members of its family, Utahraptor was carnivorous and although no direct evidence has been found, it was almost certainly covered in feathers.

Compared to other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Velociraptor, Utahraptor was quite stocky and heavily built, with shorter legs. As it could not run fast, it is believed to have been an ambush hunter and would have used its powerful back legs to kick out at prey, inflicting stabbing wounds with its large claws. It would have hunted iguanodonts, therizinosaurids and possibly young sauropods. As its name implies, Utahraptor lived in what is now Utah, United States, during the Early Cretaceous period. It is possible that Utahraptor hunted in packs, but evidence for this is limited.

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

Utahraptor is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2 and was added as part of the Extinct Animals expansion pack. In Campaign and Challenge mode, it is available for adoption when a zoo reaches a rating of 4.5 stars.

Utahraptor is a Boreal Forest animal, but will tolerate Grassland, Temperate Forest and Tundra to a lesser extent. It displays distinct sexual dimorphism, with males featuring a crest of feathers on their heads which is lacking in females. Utahraptor is one of the few dinosaurs capable of using the painting easel as enrichment. If stressed, it may rampage.



  • Utahraptor would have had feathers covering most of, if not all of its body instead of just some on its head. It was also much smaller than its ingame appearance (which approaches the size of Tyrannosaurus rex), and probably lived in an arid environment, compared to the cold boreal forest the animal is placed in.
Zoo Tycoon 2 animals
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Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals AnkylosaurusAurochsShort-Faced BearElephant BirdBluebuckGiant CamelSaber-Toothed CatBush-Antlered DeerDeinonychusDeinosuchusDimetrodonDiprotodonDodoDoedicurusDwarf Sicilian ElephantGigantopithecusKentrosaurusCave LionAmerican MastodonKiller PenguinProtarchaeopteryxQuaggaWoolly RhinocerosSivatheriumGiant Ground SlothStegosaurusStokesosaurusThylacineUtahraptorVelociraptorWarrahGiant Warthog