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Stegosaurus (Roof lizard) is a large herbivorous dinosaur from North America. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon 2.


Stegosaurus was the largest member of the Stegosauria dinosaurs, a group of herbivorous, quadrupedal dinosaurs identified by the large plates and spikes running along their backs. Stegosaurus featured a distinctive double-alternating row of kite shaped plates across its back and tail, the largest of which could be 60cm (2ft), and four long spikes on its tail, an arrangement known as a Thagomizer. The exact function of Stegosaurus' plates is unclear, but it has been suggested they may have been used for display, with a secondary function of regulating its body temperature. The thagomizer was likely a defensive weapon against predators such as Allosaurus.

Stegosaurus lived during the Jurassic Period in the United States, with fossils most commonly found in the Morrison Formation. Given its heavy build, and small head (containing one of the smallest brains in comparison to body size of any animal) it is likely it would have eaten low-lying bushes and shrubs. It has been suggested that Stegosaurus may have formed loose herds with Camptosaurus, relying on the sharp eyesight of the smaller herbivores to spot predators.

Zoo Tycoon[]

Stegosaurus is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and was added as part of the Dinosaur Digs expansion pack. In Freeform Mode, it is not adoptable until June 1.

Stegosaurus is a Coniferous Forest animal. It is compatible with Kentrosaurus and Camptosaurus and can be easily mixed with both species with a high suitability rating for all three. It will, however, attack and kill many other smaller unarmored animals.

Button animal facts Animal Facts
Stegosaurus, or "roof lizard," is the largest member of the Stegosaurid family. This 30-foot-long dinosaur carries his head low when on all fours (no more than three feet above the ground). Four massive legs support the three-ton mass. The back legs are much larger than the front and end in three broad, short toes. The front legs have five longer, weight-bearing toes.

Stegosaurus is well prepared to defend itself from carnivores. Its back and neck are lined with pairs of enormous armored plates, and its tail is studded with heavy spikes. These tail spikes are called thagomizers. Only the flanks are vulnerable to attack. Stegosaurus can use its spiked tail to ward off predators, but it cannot swing its tail far from its body. Stegosaurus can also fight off its enemies by backing into them. Like a porcupine, a Stegosaurus can do great damage without making an active attack.

Stegosaurus's back plates can grow as large as 30 inches. Stegosaurus can use its plates to regulate its body temperature, heating and cooling its massive bulk as needed. Stegosaurus could keep warm or release heat to cool off by changing the amount of blood flowing through these plates. Stegosaurus can also control their skin color in this fashion. Scientists call this color change "blushing." Stegosaurus may use blushing as a mean of communication. For example, a Stegosaurus might blush to indicate that it is ready for a fight.

In the warm and moist climates of Stegosaurus' Colorado and Wyoming homes, they walk on all fours to eat cycadeoids (palm-like trees), conifer trees, ferns and horsetails. Unlike other herbivorous dinosaurs, which consume all plant life in their path, Stegosaurus uses its narrow snout to eat selectively, choosing the fruits of seed ferns and other choice tidbits. Since they have no teeth in their beaks and only weak cheek teeth, they swallow their food whole, relying on gastroliths (smooth rocks) swallowed to aid digestion.

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

Stegosaurus is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2 and was added as part of the Extinct Animals expansion pack, additionally appearing in the expansion's demo. In Campaign and Challenge mode, it is adoptable when a zoo reaches a rating of 4 stars.

Stegosaurus is a Boreal Forest animal and, like all extinct Boreal Forest animals, requires a Glacier in its exhibit to be comfortable. Similar to Kentrosaurus and Ankylosaurus, it uses the pursuit ball, plastic barrel, care tire, and scratching post for enrichment. Like most non-avian dinosaurs, Stegosaurus will build a nest to lay its eggs. If stressed, Stegosaurus may rampage.

Zoo Tycoon Website favicon zootycoon.com Description
The Stegosaurus was the only plated dinosaur ever found in western North America. It had 17 attractive, triangular dermal plates, similar to those found in modern crocodiles and some lizards, along the length of its spine. The Stegosaurus’s weapon of choice was its tail, which was adorned with four vicious-looking spikes. In spite of its impressive weaponry, it became extinct about 145 million years ago. In brain-to-size ratio, the Stegosaurus had the smallest brain of any dinosaur. It was roughly the size of a walnut!
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The Stegosaurus lived during the Jurassic Period and was the only plated dinosaur ever found in western North America. It had 17 attractive, triangular dermal plates, similar to those found in modern crocodiles and some lizards, along the length of its spine. Stegosaurus stenops' weapon of choice was its tail, which was adorned with four vicious-looking spikes. In spite of its impressive weaponry, it became extinct about 145 million years ago.


Zoo Tycoon[]

Zoo Tycoon 2[]


  • At the time of the release of Dinosaur Digs Stegosaurus' type species was Stegosaurus armatus, ⁣ however in 2013 S. armatus was reassessed and found to be a dubious taxon, being officially replaced by the more complete Stegosaurus stenops.
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Zoo Tycoon 2 animals
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